Source:Development for International Development This report is the DFID Africa Gender Equality Action Plan. The action plan outlines what DFID is doing in Africa to promote gender equality as a fundamental aspect of its ongoing development work. DFID has long recognised that poverty will not come to an end until women have equal rights with men, and that promoting gender equality ia an essentila part of poverty reduction accross the developing world. Women have far fewer economic opportunities, suffer reduced access to public services, are excluded from decision-making process and often bear the brunt of conflicts and violence. The inequality endured by women also have a knock-on effect on households, communities and wider society.
We understand that in order to really make a difference to th elives of women we must work in partnership with other agencies and wider civil society. By publishing this action plan, we invite you to engage with the work DFID is doing in Africa to promote gender equality. This is not about doing something extra, it is essential to our success in reducing poverty. Only by working together we can bring change to the lives of some of the poorest people in the world.