Source: Christian Council of Ghana
The 'Facilitator's Guide for Training on HIV and AIDS Stigma and Discrimination Reduction' is a practical resource for participatory learning on understanding, recognizing and combating stigma.

The Guide lays out a systematic strategy for workshop discussions on issues such as moral judgments, stigmatizing religious practices and coping with stigma. Of special interest are the novel illustrations on forms of stigma and discrimination adapted to an African social reality.

The 'HIV Fact Sheets' booklet brings together facts on HIV and AIDS. Stigma is rooted in fears associated with HIV as well as lack of knowledge about the modes of transmission. The booklet contains eight general reference facts sheets, from basic facts on the nature of HIV and AIDS, to treatment, to care and support for people living with HIV.

The project is funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) through the Civil Society Challenge Fund initiative.

To read the full document, please click here

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