Source: Open Democracy 
In conversation with Jessica Horn, a leading Malian women’s rights activist identifies the roots of the crisis in Mali, and the opportunistic use of the crisis by Malian and international Islamic fundamentalists to gain a popular foothold in the north of the country

Source: The Herald
Youth representatives say Government should come up with economic empowerment programmes to benefit young Zimbabweans. They said as the country celebrates 32 years of independence, it was important that the youths are considered in all programmes.

Training was given to women in Anseba region aimed at raising their awareness as regards communicable diseases.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
WOMEN have been urged to unite and speak with one voice so that their agenda and wishes are incorporated in the new constitution.

Source: The New Vision
Over 20 widows and less privileged women in Tororo municipality have graduated in life skills development to start up their own business.

Source: Rwanda Focus
"I don't want to report him to the police," mumbles Nikuze as she sits down, bleeding in the mouth where two teeth have been knocked out by her husband.

Source: Radio Dabanga
Displaced women in camps across Darfur have expressed their anger at the recent escalation of rapes carried out by militias loyal to the Sudanese government.

Source: The New Dawn
In keeping with his pledge to make available 1.4million Liberian dollars as micro loans for marketers in Grand Bassa County, Senate President Pro-Tempore Senator Gbehzohngar Findley has presented the first L$600,000.00 to six markets in Buchanan City. Each of the markets received a check for L$100,000.00.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency
The Ministry of Women, Children and Youth Affairs called on stakeholders to intensify efforts in maximizing the benefit of women and youth.

Source: Foroyaa
A young female writer Awa Bojang said she would publish her 3 latest books which she is working on, before the turn of the New Year.

Source: ISS
If women activists are excited, it is because this represents progress in Southern Africa as we ebb closer to 2015, in which 50% of women should be in decision-making positions according to the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development.

Source: TheEmoryWheel
hen we think about Somalia, the image that comes to mind is that of a 20-year-old failed state that struggles to rid itself of al-Shabaab, an Islamic militia group with ties to al-Qaeda and the destitution it has created. However, one important aspect that is largely ignored is the plight of women in Somalia. 

Source: VoiceofAmerica
Nigeria and Ethiopia have adopted federal systems that allow citizens to elect their own representatives at the state and local levels. The states also have their own courts and can collect taxes for their own use.

Source: Europa
Brussels, 16 April 2012 - A new partnership between the EU and UN Women set up to strengthen cooperation between the two organizations on their work on empowering women and gender equality, was today signed by High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/ Vice President of the Commission Catherine Ashton and Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs, with Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women Michelle Bachelet.

Source: NewsDay
It may well be termed A Tale of Two Joyces, or Joices, if you choose to, two individuals same name, same gender, same generation and almost similar stumbling blocks.

Source: IPP Media
Political party members have been advised not to discriminate against women vying for top leadership posts in the country.

The women inhabitants of Foro sub-zone expressed that the health services they receive from the health center is contributing in ensuring their health and that of their children.

Source: UNDP
Today, there are only eight women heads of state – representing slightly more than five per cent of the total.  This seems extraordinary in the second decade of the 21st century.  The global average of women holding parliamentary seats remains under twenty per cent, which is well below the thirty per cent target set in the Millennium Development Goals.  At the current rate of progress, that target will not be reached globally before 2025, and long beyond that in many countries.  That is too long for women and the world to wait.

Source: Open Democracy
In conversation with Jessica Horn, a leading Malian women's rights activist identifies the roots of the crisis in Mali, and the opportunistic use of the crisis by Malian and international Islamic fundamentalists to gain a popular foothold in the north of the country.

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