Source: Awoko
Female aspirants for the November 17th General Elections drawn from all four Districts of Bo, Moyamba ,Pujehun and Bonthe have benefited from a two day training under the sponsorship of the National Democratic Institute.

Source: The Guardian
Joyce Banda
, the new president of Malawi, is hoping to woo back western donors who withheld support last year over concerns about poor governance and the overbearing rule of her late predecessor, Bingu wa Mutharika.

Source: The observer
As Sylvia Nalubowa cried out in agony and begged the nurses to help her, she pledged to give them part of her kibanja (plot of land), hens and pigs if they could save her life.

Source: The Herald
EIGHTEEN-year-old Rangariroyashe Chipika is no ordinary young woman as she not only came out top of her Advanced Level class in the 2011 Cambridge Examinations but was also best student in her school. She had As in all her science subjects --

Source: SANGONet
Southern African countries should consider developing comprehensive, holistic and integrated approaches to end gender-based violence

Source: The Guardian
Opposition to legislation dashes equality hopes in West African country's strongly patriarchal society.

Source: Mail Online
There is a direct correlation between the security of women and the overall security of state, its predilection to conflict, and war, according to a new book titled Sex and World Peace.

Source: Daily Observer
Malawian President Joyce Banda has challenged African women to support female leadership in Africa in order to change the widely held perception that women are incapable of leading a country. 

Source: Human Rights Watch
Separatist Tuareg rebels, Islamist armed groups, and Arab militias who seized control of northern Mali in April 2012 have committed numerous war crimes, including rape, use of child soldiers, and pillaging of hospitals, schools, aid agencies, and government buildings, Human Rights Watch said today. An Islamist armed group has summarily executed two men, amputated the hand of at least one other, carried out public floggings, and threatened women and Christians.

Source: International Atomic Energy Agency
They are successful, intelligent and determined. And for many, Sarah Nafuna and Jane Mubanga Chinkusu are the role models and the source of inspiration for women pursuing a career in science.

Source: The New Times
As a result of a population of approximately 1.03 billion in 2011, and a growth rate of 24 million per annum, Africa's population is expected to double by 2050. It's because of this that agricultural advocates and companies have had to come up with several ways to increase agricultural productivity in a sustainable manner as well as finding endigenous solutions to respond to agricultural challenges.

Source: The Herald
CASES of domestic violence throughout the country remain high despite several interventions to stop perpetrators from committing the offence, a recent national survey has revealed.

Source: AllAfrica

Prospects of Zimbabwe's economic recovery will remain shaky until the country's political situation stabilises, a prominent South African-based human rights activist, Eleanor Sisulu has said.

Source: TheInquirer
The first female President of the Republic of Malawi, Joyce Hilda Banda, over the weekend paid a two-day visit in Liberia for what she described as 'consultation' with her female counterpart; President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf.  During her visit in the country, President Banda, who was accompanied by her husband, Richard Banda praised the Liberian leader for the level of development and stability in the country. President Banda pointed out that Africa is not a poor continent, in that it has all of the resources that could be used positively to make life more meaningful for its people. 

Source: VOANews

International human rights experts say the armed groups occupying northern Mali have committed war crimes, including rape and using children as combatants. And there is evidence of crimes by Malian soldiers too.Human Rights Watch says separatist Tuareg rebels and other armed groups who have taken over northern Mali have abducted and raped women and girls, used children as combatants, and - in rampant looting - robbed communities of their very means of survival. 

Source: SierraExpressMedia

Mogadishu, 26 April 2012 – A group of ten journalists, members of the Network for Peace and Security in Africa (NetPeace) arrived in Mogadishu on 26 of April 2012 for a four-day field visit to the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM). This field trip is aimed at further acquainting the media with the mandate and role of AMISOM on the ground, as well as the daily life of the troops in their endeavor to stabilize the country and set the basis for a deep-rooted peace.

Source: The Star

Minky Worden of Human Rights Watch says it’s not clear that political transitions in Arab nations will advance rights of women and girls.

Source: United States Department of State
Despite the challenges of promoting human rights and democracy around the world and overcoming cultural differences that can present obstacles to that effort, the importance of democratic values and universal human rights is "absolutely paramount" to U.S. foreign policy, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton told students at Syracuse University in New York.

Source: RH Reality Check
Malawian President Bingu wa Mutharika died of a heart attack suddenly this month, enabling Vice President Joyce Banda to succeed the helm. This will almost certainly change – and perhaps save – the lives of millions of Malawian women.

Source: Al-Arabiya
Egypt’s National Council for Women (NCW) has appealed to the Islamist-dominated parliament not to approve two controversial laws on the minimum age of marriage and allowing a husband to have sex with his dead wife within six hours of her death according to a report in an Egyptian newspaper.

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