Source: Cameroon Tribune
Elections stakeholders ended a two-day workshop in Yaounde on August 14.

Source: capital FM
The Kenyan chapter of the Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) has asked the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) to lower the nomination fees for women in all elective posts.

Source: The Center for Reproductive Rights
Affirming the importance of women's access to safe and legal abortion, the Rwandan government has lifted its reservation to Article 14(2)(c) of the African Charter on Human and People's Rights of Women in Africa (also known as the Maputo Protocol). The Maputo Protocol is the only international treaty that explicitly guarantees the right to legal abortion.

Source: Bikya Masr
Governments are urged to act with due diligence to prevent and investigate violence against women and girls, prosecute perpetrators and provide protection and redress to victims.

Source: UNAIDS
When in January 2008, staff from the International Community of Women living with HIV (ICW) initiated a series of focus group discussions with women living with HIV in Namibia about their experiences they were far from imagining what they would uncover. Of the 230 women interviewed, most reported some form of discrimination in health services and nearly 20% stated that they had been coerced or forced into sterilization.

Source: New Era
The Outapi Magistrate's Court on Monday deferred to September 18 the case in which a police officer stands accused of raping a 16-year-old girl.

Source: Africa News
Just have a picture that you are a young woman who was born with a disability but an ambitious girl aiming high, at going to a nursing college after completing primary and secondary school to join your country's few nurses dressed in white uniform to treat patients in your country's short staffed public hospitals.

Source: Vanguard
NIGERIAN nurses have been tasked to protect and enhance the reproductive health and rights of women by ensuring they have access to the the right services and information.

Source: IRIN
Activists have welcomed a ban on female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) in the new constitution of Somalia – a country where 96 percent of women undergo one of the more extreme forms of the practice – but warn that translating the law into action will require more than just a legal declaration.

Source: Reuters
Thousands of Tunisians rallied on Monday to protest against what they see as a push by the Islamist-led government for constitutional changes that would degrade women's status in one of the Arab world's most liberal nations.

Source: UN News Centre
The empowerment of young women is key for advancing development around the world, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said today, adding that it is a priority for the United Nations to encourage their active participation in society.

Source: SA News
While South Africa has recorded great strides in the quest for women empowerment and gender equality, there was still persistent inequality between women and men, says Minister for Women, Children and People with Disabilities, Lulu Xingwana.

Source: Executive Magazine
Based on figures from the International Labor Organization (ILO), at least 90 million women in the Middle East and North Africa are today part of what has been called the “Third Billion”, which is the approximate number of women worldwide who will be claiming their place as employees, producers and entrepreneurs in the global economy by 2030.

Source: Radio Netherlands
Tunisian women are rising up against a proposed article in the new constitution seen by many as an Islamist ploy to reverse the principle of gender equality that made Tunisia a beacon of modernity in the Arab world when it was introduced six decades ago.

Source: South African News Agency
President Jacob Zuma says the Gender Equality Bill must be fast tracked if the country is to further level the playing field for women.

Source: Gender Links
Woman-power swept onto the Southern African scene in a visible way in 2012. First, Joyce Banda unexpectedly assumed the post as the first woman President of Malawi in April. She also has the distinction of being the first woman Southern African Development Community (SADC) head of state. Next, South Africa's Minister of Home Affairs Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma worked her way through several barriers to become the first woman chair of the African Union Commission after a tough fight in July.

Source: News Day
“We, the women of South Africa, wives, mothers, working women and housewives, Africans, Indians, European and Coloured, hereby declare our aim of striving for the removal of all laws, regulations, conventions and customs that discriminate against us as women and that deprive us in any way, of our inherent right to the advantages, responsibilities and opportunities that society offers to any one section of the population.”

Source: UN WOMEN
Landmark ruling paves the way for strengthening women’s access to justice for conflict-related crimes.The ruling made by the International Criminal Court this week regarding reparations to victims in the case of convicted former Congolese militia commander Thomas Lubanga reflects a growing recognition in international law that justice must go beyond mere prosecutions and a focus on perpetrators to include an equal focus on victims’ rights to redress and reparation.

Source: UN WOMEN
The gathering in a well-lit Sierra Leone classroom comes off as remarkably joyful. “By my side… by my side…” chants a group of vibrantly-clad women, swaying and clapping in unison. “No longer men in front and the women at the back, but women and men walking side-by-side.”

Source: IPS
At the Kakonko Health Centre, about 250 kilometres from the nearest hospital in Kigoma Region, Western Tanzania, assistant medical officer Abdu Mapinduzi prepares to operate on Joanitha, a young pregnant mother.

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