Source: IRIN
Boys learning new ideas of masculinity around campfires in rural Africa and “sisterhoods” formed to provide a common voice to women are starting to change attitudes about African women farmers, say the authors of a forthcoming book about gender and agriculture.

Source: South African Government Informatiom
Female Senior Managers in the Office of the Premier believe that women have got strong qualities that can enable them to occupy any senior position in the public service.

Source: Government of Ghana
Women’s representation in positions of power at the Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) is unacceptably low,  contributing, thereby,  to the low participation of women in governance at all levels in Ghana—a research report has revealed.  

Source: Capital FM Kenya
A coalition of gender activists and social entrepreneurs from Africa gathered in Nairobi on Tuesday for a three-day summit to kick-start a new campaign against all forms of sexual violence against women.

Source: Independent Online
The empowerment of women and female-owned businesses is integral to the growth of South Africa's economy, President Jacob Zuma said on Tuesday.

Mrs Juliana Azuma-Mensah, Minister of Women and Children’s Affairs, has said the women’s role in participating at all levels of decision making was a key priority on the development agenda of the government of Ghana.

Source: IRIN
About one in seven residents of Madagascar’s main port city of Toamasina are sex workers.

Source: AWID
A coup d’état and the occupation of northern Mali have left many searching for answers to a deepening crisis.

Source: Afrik-news
Cases of women abused by their Husbands and disowned by their families are prevalent in the Algerian Society in which the male sex is thought superior mainly in Islamic circles.

Source: Vanguard
A survey of attitudes in the community toward domestic violence in Nigeria, attests that the most frequent victims of violence usually turn out to be unmarried women in the southern states, with figures as high as 70 percent in some places.

Source: Maghreb Arabe Presse
The Royal Family and the Moroccan people celebrate, on Sunday, the birthday of HRH Princess Lalla Meryem whose career has always been an expression of a vision of modernity, whose salient features are social commitment, fidelity to the values of patriotism and the presence on the fronts of development, women's rights and child protection.

Source: Daily News
Tunisian President Moncef Marzouki spoke Saturday to address fears that the revolution’s aims have been subverted. In the process he launched an attack on the leading party in the country’s National Constituent Assembly (NCA) and affirmed his commitment to women’s rights.

Source: The New Times
Representatives from various organisations, public and private institutions on Friday concluded a three day conference to devise means through which men can effectively get involved in fighting Gender Based Violence (GBV).

Source: The New Times
She spends the whole day at home taking care of the children and getting involved in the kitchen and garden work.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
THE President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) Tanzania is keeping a close eye on the completion of evaluations and new guidance of the outcome of clinical trial tests of a new approach for preventing HIV in women.

Source: IPP Media
The Women Legal Aid Centre has embarked on a special training programme on how to attend to victims of violence. This comes as violence acts against women is reported by the organisation to be increasing nationwide.

Source: IRIN
So much for “never again”. Five years after 1,300 Kenyans were killed and more than half a million displaced in the wake of a presidential election, one of the triggers of that violence, the inflammatory language of politicians, remains a serious threat to peace and stability as the country gears up for the next polls in March 2013.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
FOR the first time last Tuesday evening the Morogoro Municipal Council Cultural Officer, Martha Kidyala, joined residents of Morogoro to watch a play at the Mji Mpya Ward grounds.

Source: The New Age
The fight against gender-based violence has been dealt a blow after the launch of the National Council Against Gender-Based Violence, which was meant to take place at the weekend, was put on hold.

Source: Associated Press
The female wing of a civil rights group is urging women in Togo to stage a week-long sex strike to demand the resignation of the country's president.

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