Source: Heritage
The United States Embassy near the Liberian capital, Monrovia, has constructed a refugee women center in Little Webbo Camp in Harper, Maryland County.

Source: Front Page Africa
Sewon Bleede, 35 a mother of two and a high school graduate sits home idly hopes that one day she will have an opportunity to continue her education. Surprisingly for Sewon in 2013 the Laymah Gbowee Peace Foundation Africa selected her as one of the recipients of academic [2013-2014] scholarship.

Source: The Herald
Government has set aside a budget for formulation of the Girls’ Empowerment Framework, a Cabinet Minister says. Women’s Affairs, Gender and Community Development Minister Oppah Muchinguri told The Herald that the budget would also cover implementation of the policy, though she did not say how much money had been set aside.

Source: IPS
Before sunrise, a Moroccan woman waits her turn at the pedestrian border control separating her country from the Spanish city of Melilla. Hours later she crosses over, takes up an 80-kilo bundle of merchandise and carries it back to her country, for a payment of less than six dollars.

Source: Tanzania Daily News

AT a time when activists were working to eliminate Gender based violence including abuse against girls, an odd phenomenon emerged.Some women have become so overprotective of their marriages that they were hiding abuse incidents against themselves or their own children and housemaids, thus threatening to derail achievements made in the fight against gender-based violence.

Source: BBC News Tunis
Tunisia's new constitution could usher in momentous change for women, following the adoption of a clause which guarantees gender equality in legislative assemblies and for steps to be taken to protect women against violence, a first in the Arab world.

Source: World Health Organization
Mrs Souad is 30 years old, married with 2 children, and heavily pregnant with her third. She lives in a rural village 10 km from the health facility where she is to deliver her baby, and the journey to get there takes about 45 minutes.

Source: Heritage 
MONROVIA - The Gbowee Peace Foundation Africa (GPFA) has unveiled a US$3M plan for the construction of a technical institute on the Robertsfield Highway, outside Monrovia.

Source: Business Ghana
Women and adolescents from Tarkwa Nsueam in the Western Region have undergone a two-day training to empower them on their sexual and reproductive rights.

Source: The Point
The Gambia Committee on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children (Gamcotrap) has called on the Government of The Gambia to consider outlawing Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) thus fulfilling its obligation as duty bearers on girls and women.

Source: The Herald
Zimbabwe is among four countries in SADC with 20 percent or more of all defence forces posts filled by women, recent research has found.The other three countries are Namibia, Seychelles and South Africa, which has the highest proportion of women in the defence sector, where they constitute 27 percent of the force .

Source: The Guardian
Almost one in five young girls in sub-Saharan Africa are still forced to endure female genital mutilation (FGM), according to a UN report that paints a grim picture of the state of the world's children.

Source: The Daily Observer
The president of The Gambia Football Federation (GFF), Mustapha Kebbeh, has big dreams for football in the country. At the heart of his crusade is developing women and youth football. Kebbeh was speaking in an interview with a South African Newspaper, called the Daily Maveric.

Source: IRIN
Healthcare needs are changing in the Arab world, and chronic diseases linked to rising prosperity and aging populations are forcing health services to retool, even as the region grapples with political turmoil and uncertainty.

Source: Vanguard
The First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan got a set of spanners as gifts from a 40-man delegation of Lady Mechanics Initiative led by the founder, Mrs. Sandra Aguebor-Ekperuoh, at the conference hall of the First Lady and she remarkably demanded for a crash hands-on programme for her and the states First Ladies across the country so that, "I can fix the car of my sister, the wife of the Vice President." Abayomi Adeshida of our Abuja Bureau captured the event.


Source: The Star
A 14-year-old girl Pili Mamyiai Kalea who escaped being married off while in standard six at Macknnon in Kinango wants well-wishers to help her.

Source: Forbes

The young women and girls from Africa have spoken. Their message was delivered in a statement during the just ended African Union (A.U) Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia which took place from 20 to 31 January. More than 30 African heads of state gathered on Thursday for the opening session of 22nd A.U Heads of State meeting under the theme "agriculture and food security".

Source: Magharebia
Everyone in Morocco remembers Amina al-Filali, the Tangier teenager who drank rat poison after being forced to marry her rapist.

Source: Cameroon Tribune
In line with the 2014 Commonwealth Day on the theme "Women as agents of change," the British High Commission in Yaounde has decided to set up a local scholarship scheme dubbed "The Cameroon Women's Scholarship." 

Source: The Namibian
A 34-year-old woman's hopes of finally becoming a mother were dashed after suffering her seventh miscarriage in eight years this week.

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