Source: Leadership (Abuja)
The Kaduna State Government said on Thursday that 1,500 women have been trained under its SURE-P programme in the state. 
This is contained in a document released by the state Ministry for Women Affairs and obtained by the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Kaduna. 

The document, which chronicled the achievement of the ministry in 2013, said the women were trained in various skills as part of efforts to create jobs and enhance their livelihood.

"1,500 women have benefited from the training in six centres across the senatorial zones; namely Ikara, Kachia, Igabi, Kaduna North and Zangon Kataf centres.

"The skills acquired are in tie and dye, hair dressing, beauty and cosmetology, catering and event management, honey processing, fish processing, rice milling, vegetable processing.

"The training contract was awarded to Kaduna Business School at over N39 million."

It stated that the government had earmarked N119.85 million to resettle the beneficiaries.

"The trainees would soon be presented with starter packs totaling N119,855,590 by Gov. Mukhtar Yero," it said.

NAN also reports that another batch of 500 women are expected to undergo similar training this year.

According to the document, N50 million has been earmarked for the training and procurement of materials for presentation to the beneficiaries to set up their own businesses. 

Mukhtar Ramalan Yero

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