Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is based on principles of equity. As such, in renewed efforts to strengthen equity and gender responsive health systems in Nigeria, the World Health Organization (WHO) is supporting the Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) to develop guidelines and policies that will aid in addressing key gender issues in the country.

“Gender inequality remains a critical challenge in the health sector and UHC can only truly be achieved if gender and other drivers of inequalities within the health systems are actively considered and addressed”,said  Dr Olumuyiwa Ojo, a WHO Technical Officer during a retreat for all key stakeholders in the health sector organized by WHO in Abuja, December 2021.

Source: Daily News TZ

The Government has called upon members of the community to support fight against Gender-Based Violence (GBV) subjected to girls and children in the country.


Breaking the archaic patriarchal status quo on land ownership, 75% of the 271 houses recently constructed by MTC were awarded to low-income earning women. Following MTC’s massive announcement in 2017 to invest N$10.7 million towards housing with the Buy A Brick project, this investment now boasts a total of 271 low-cost houses built country-wide through the Shack Dwellers Federation, and women have received the most keys to these houses. 

SOURCE: Leadership

House of Representatives ad-hoc Committee on Constitution Review has recommended the creation of 111 additional legislative seats in the National Assembly to be occupied solely by women beginning from the next general election.

Source: Vanguard Nigeria 

Owhrode — Women of Owhrode, Ovwodokpokpo and Erhiephiyor communities, Udu Local Government Area, Delta State, have threatened to stop any form of political campaigns in their communities in 2023 unless the five ramshackle access roads linking the communities were constructed.


A human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination campaign that aims to immunize over 1.8 million 14-year-old girls in nine regions against HPV is underway. The campaign commenced on 10 January 2022 and will end on 22 January.

SOURCE: Daily Maverick

The Commission for Gender Equality (CGE) seemingly disregards the fact that pregnant women (and their unborn babies) are at a much greater risk of dying if they are unvaccinated. It fails to appreciate that one in six unvaccinated pregnant women admitted to hospital in South Africa with Covid-19 infection requires mechanical ventilation, and one in 16 has a fatal outcome.

Source: Nation Kenya

Many young people suffer barriers in accessing youth-friendly SRHR, hindering their ability to make safe decisions regarding their sexuality.

SOURCE: Ghanaian Times

The Ghanaian culture and for that matter, the African culture is mainly patriarchy-biased; and this situation gives ample room for male domination and superiority over their female counterparts in every sphere of human endeavor for survival, progress, advancement and prosperity of Ghana and Africa.

SOURCE: Vanguard

Aisha Umar, a female Internally Displaced Person (IDP) in Borno State, has been reported dead after allegedly being raped by an official of an International Non-Governmental Organisation.

Source: New York Times

With Covid-19, the situation for women human rights defenders and the prospects for women's full participation in building peace have become 'vastly worse'.

This is according to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet.

She made the remarks on Tuesday while participating in a Security Council debate, under the theme "Protecting Participation: Addressing violence targeting women in peace and security processes."

Bachelet said that between 1992 and 2019, only 13 percent of negotiators, six percent of mediators and six percent of signatories in major peace processes worldwide, were women.

"And that was before the pandemic struck ... and before a wave of intensifying conflicts and disastrous humanitarian crises took hold in many societies, further reducing women's rights," she said.

Source: Daily News Tanzania 

The government has said it is due to initiate a comprehensive process to review all the outdated policies in the newly formed ministry of Community Development, Gender, Women and Special Needs in order to cater for the current needs.


A Nigerian woman has introduced girls from a conservative society in Sokoto to the world of mechanics.

Fatima Adamu, who is founder of the non-profit organisation Nana: Girls and Women Empowerment Initiative, has opened a workshop for the girls.

Some 25 young mechanic apprentices aged 18 and over are getting to the end of two years of training.

The girls applied for the rare opportunity and had a hard time convincing their parents to allow them to be trained in the male dominated field.

Ms Adamu told the BBC's Newsday that the girls were willing to learn, and proved wrong those in society who viewed the field as masculine.

"It is so empowering and it is something to be proud of," she said.

"They are making money out of it now and it is encouraging," she continued.

Ms Adamu was planning to end the training programme but a large number of girls have already reached out for the next intake.

She hopes the success of the first cohort has helped the society to accept that women too, can excel in that field.

SOURCE: Capital FM

At the media briefing this evening in South Coast, Amb. (Dr.) Amina Mohamed, Cabinet Secretary for Sports, Culture, and Heritage, gave a short list of summary of gender equity and Gender-based Violence topics that the stakeholders in the sports sector will discuss.

Source: The Conversation 

The world has seen dramatic improvements in maternal, newborn and child health. For instance, the World Health Organisation reported a 38% reduction in maternal deaths between 2000 and 2017, globally. Maternal deaths refer to deaths due to complications from pregnancy or childbirth.

SOURCE: Ghanaian Times


The Ghana Police Service (GPS) has put up a three-storey building at the national Police Headquarters in Accra for use by its Domestic Violence and Victim Support Unit (DOVVSU) to provide comprehensive support to survivors of gender-based violence (GBV).

SOURCE: New Dawn


News that 11 pregnant women in Nimba County died in 2021 during home delivery at various periods is unfortunate and speaks volumes about the health sector in Liberia.

Source: Malawi Broadcasting Company

For many years, the rainy season in Malawi starts from October to April, but this year, the season has delayed by at least two months, with some unusual hit waves hitting communities hard.

Source: Africanews

Hundreds of women marched in Abidjan on Saturday to protest violence against women and to demand punishment for rapists.

Source: Human Rights Watch

(Nairobi) – African leaders should prioritize education for pregnant girls and married adolescents at the Third African Girls’ Summit in Niamey, Niger, from November 16-18, 2021. Governments attending the summit should commit to stronger human rights protections for girls’ education.

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