Source: Nyasa Times
After being awarded the 2015 'Women of Distinction Global Leadership Award in Politics' by Celebrating Women International (CWI) in the Paradise Island, The Bahamas, Malawi former president Joyce Banda will on Thursday be guest of honour at a global gathering of women leaders in Accra, Ghana.

Source: UN News Centre
Spotlighting the importance his country places on gender equality, the President of Ghana told the United Nations General Assembly today that a major priority will closing the "vast" gaps between men and women through, among other efforts, providing decent education for girls and working to end child marriage.

Source: the Guardian
Conflict can be both a cause of disability and a devastating complication for those already living with disabilities. Although all disabled people are affected, women face intersecting discrimination because of their gender and disability.

Source: Daily Mail
In a bid to turn entrepreneurs’ ideas into viable businesses, the Women’s Entrepreneurial Centres of Resources, Education, Access and Training for Economic Empowerment (WECREATE) has trained 500 women.

Source: African Brains
AUC's Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture (REA), H.E Rhoda Peace Tumusiime, has reiterated that impressive economic growth has been achieved on the continent.

Source: Swazi Observer
The 2016 One Billion Rising Revolution event is yet another amplification of the OBR (One Billion Rising) voices, building the momentum, escalating the gains, calling for accountability and raising our voices to the injustices taking place worldwide with women's bodies targeted as the arena of war and violence.

Source: All Africa
There have been 32,000 new HIV infections since 2009, according to Uganda Aids Commission (AIC). This was contained in a speech delivered by Church of Uganda Archbishop Stanley Ntagali, at the high level review meeting on HIV/Aids, maternal and reproductive health, and gender violence prevention programmes, held at Hotel Africana in Kampala, on Thursday.

Source: The Guardian
Most South Africans learn about rape, or the threat of rape, when they are very young – even if they are yet to have the words for it. Sexual abuse has become normalised.

Source: New Vision
The fourth Annual Women's Leadership Conference, organized by the Federation of Uganda Employers (FUE), is slated for October 16th in Kampala.

Source: Blindfold
In a move welcomed as a step in the right direction by international advocates, outgoing Nigerian president Goodluck Jonathan has signed a bill officially banning the practice of female genital mutilation (FGM).

Source: Star Africa
South Sudan government forces were involved in widespread sexual violence and slavery in the rich-oil region of Unity state, fresh reports disclosed on Tuesday.The two reports which published in the British newspaper the Guardian and French wire service Agence France-Presse documented widespread and systematic use of sexual violence during South Sudan's government's southern Unity offensive, including the use of "rape camps" holding hundreds of women.

The reports claimed that at least 1000 civilians were killed, 1300 women and girls raped, and 1600 people abducted during the campaign which began in late April in Leer, Mayendit, and Koch counties, according to situation update covering April to September compiled by aid groups working in civilian protection.

It quoted many victims and eyewitnesses as confirming the wide violations.One woman was abducted by soldiers and taken to a military camp, tied up and raped repeatedly for two months. Another was kidnapped with her 15-year-old sister and raped every night for five nights. A third was taken to a forest with her 12-year old daughter where both were raped" one of the witnesses said.

"When one of the soldiers wanted to have sex he would come, untie us and take us away. When they were finished they would bring you back and tie you to the post again" one woman quoted in the reports.

Women who refused to work or fought against their rape would disappear, including ten out of the 40 she was with" she added.

The reports identified Wankai in Mayom county as a transit point for the abducted sex slaves, which at one point held between 200 and 300 women. Rier in Koch county near the Thar Jath oil fields and Kotong in Mayom county which is a base for SPLA General Matthew Puljang were other holding centres.

South Sudan government didn't react to the reports.

Human rights international organizations and UN peacekeeping mission in south Sudan have reported wide violations since the eruption of the war in December 2013, including killing for ethnic causes, raping women and girls and abducting children.

U.S and other Western countries are leading efforts to impose more sanctions on South Sudan at the UN Security council.

Six generals from both the government and the opposition were already faced international sanctions.


Thobeka Madiba-Zuma, South Africa's first lady, has used her presence in New York City, where she is attending the 70th session of the United Nation General Assembly (UNGA), to promote women's health awareness.Two issues relevant to women's health, namely cancer, especially cervical and breast cancer, and HIV prevention and treatment, were in focus.

Source: AllAfrica
Melissa Britz is reporting from Zambia at the African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF 2015), and spoke with Sylvia Mwichuli, the convener, about her expectations and hopes for the conference running from 29 September to 2 October 2015 in Lusaka. This year's theme is Walking the Talk on Youth and Women: Bringing Inclusive Agricultural Markets to Life. 

Source: On Islam
A cross-section of Malawi Muslim community has been pushing for enactment of laws to protect hijabi Muslim women who are said to be victimized in public and work places in the southern African country.

Source: All Africa
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has committed Liberia to some aspects of Goal No. 5 of the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted last weekend by the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

Source: Star Africa
The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) and the UN Women are collaborating to establish a five million Euro small grant Facility for more energy availability in West Africa.

Source: All Africa
The #MaternalMonday Campaign of the Wellbeing Africa has canvassed the need to improve maternal health through better access to contraception.

Source: The Conversation
Women in South Africa are in a far better position economically now than they were at the dawn of democracy two decades ago. This is thanks largely to laws and policies designed to diversify the country's public and private sectors after apartheid.

Source: Daily Maverick                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Last week, Amnesty International presented the sobering outcome of 18 months of fieldwork in the area of maternal healthcare to the Third World Social Sciences Forum in Durban.

Source: Voice of America
Kenyan teenager Jacinta knew she had no choice but to run away from home the second time a group of men tried to rape her in her coastal village.

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