Source: The Citizen
Dar es Salaam — Founder and executive director of Msichana Initiative Rebeca Gyumi, has won the United Nations Children Emergency Fund (Unicef)'s social change award for fighting child marriages in the country.

Source: allAfrica
Kampala — The United Nations child-at-school youth ambassadors have started a youth-for-gender-equality and girl-at-school campaign to push governments around the world to give teenage girls priority in education.

Source: The Guardian 
Some 1,800 activists from radically different backgrounds at the Association for Women’s Rights in Development conference in Brazil tried to find common ground at a moment in history when women’s rights are being chipped away.

Source: DW
UN human rights experts say women have suffered more violence than anyone else in South Sudan. The UN's refugee agency also announced that there are now over one million South Sudanese refugees in neighboring countries.

Source: NewsDeeply
Lupus, an autoimmune condition that affects nine times more women than men, was considered to be rare in Africa. Now health experts are discovering that insufficient resources and lack of awareness were masking a significant prevalence on the continent.

Source: Times of India
Despite maternal mortality rate coming down to half worldwide since 1990, India accounts for 15 per cent of such casualties during pregnancy and childbirth with 45,000 maternal deaths in 2015, according to a new global report by Lancet which points out international as well as national disparities in maternal healthcare services.

Source: New Vision
The report also indicates that in Uganda, 27% of the plots and 20% of all cultivated land is under sole management of women hence the remaining 73% and 80% of all cultivated land is either managed jointly by women and men or by men.

Source: The Citizen
Dlamini-Zuma says she finds it ‘disheartening’ that incidences of sexual violence against women and girls are still being perpetrated as a weapon of war.

African Union Commission (AUC) chairperson Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma has called for the “silencing of the guns” in Africa as the world commemorates International Day of Peace.

Source: africanews
UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, says for the year 2016, it has received 40% of the $11 million it needs for humanitarian support in northeast Nigeria.

Source: Daily News Tanzania
NOTHING makes the male population defensive or scared than the mention of ‘women rights’ ‘gender equality,’ or male chauvinism.

Source: allAfrica
Gaborone — British High Commissioner to Botswana, Ms Katy Ransome, says it is important to have more women in politics because they bring different perspective on issues and things that they discuss.

Source: The New Times
President Paul Kagame yesterday participated in a high-level meeting showcasing the Sahel women empowerment and demographic dividend initiative themed: ‘Strengthening partnership to accelerate Africa’s demographic dividend.’

Source: Women’s Agenda
Imagine being told you couldn’t own something because you’re a woman. Being kicked from your land and your home for not being a man. 

Source: allAfrica

Progress has been patchy and authors warn against poor quality care with rising rates of over-medicalisation, too few trained staff or basic resources in many regions.

Source: Associate Press
Youma Fall used to set her school books aside for her younger siblings. Then she realized the books could be put to use in other ways in a country where many students struggle to own even pencils and pens.

Source: Daily News
The government has been called upon to pay special attention to some areas relating to gender, education and access to basic socio-economic needs to address inequalities existing among social groups in the country.

Source: The Guardian
As the global refugee summits draw nearer, world leaders need to be preassured into alleviatng women’s suffering.

SOURCE: The Guardian
At night, Chad’s dictator would sit at his desk, smoking and watching as his agents tortured Khadidja Zidane. Hissène Habré did not know Zidane, an illiterate, poor woman. When he had had enough of watching, he would send her away, then have her brought back in the early hours of the morning to rape her.

Source: SA News
National Treasury has told members of Parliament that instead of exempting a VAT tax on sanitary pads, government departments should budget for them and give them away to members of the public, including schools, for free.

Source: The Point
Female Lawyers Association of The Gambia (FLAG), with the financial support of ActionAid International The Gambia, recently held a daylong training for senior police officers on methods of providing legal counselling in cases of gender-based violence.

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