Source: EU Bulletin
The EU has released a new assistance package worth €50 million in support of the empowerment of Egyptian women and the improvement of water resources management. 

Source:  The New Times
Almost 8 out of every 10 primary school teachers are female. But as you go up in the ranks of school leadership the females are far less.

Source: Daily Trust
A workshop for media professionals has called on states yet to domesticate the law on violence against persons to do so without further delay.


Source: News24
Nelson Mandela Bay has the lowest number of women in its council among the country's eight metros, the Commission for Gender Equality revealed in a study released on Tuesday.

Source: FrontPageAfrica
When the taboo subject of female circumcision, also known as female genital mutilation (FGM) became the subject of national debate in 2012, many leaders spoke out against the practice and the government prohibited the Sande societies which practiced it.

Source: allAfrica
A group of 37 non-government organisations dealing in the promotion of girl-child rights have asked President Museveni to honour his campaign pledge and deliver the sanitary pads he promised during the presidential campaigns early this year.

Source: allAfrica
Minister for Gender, Children and Social Protection Nana Oye Lithur has disproved reports that the Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) pro-poor programme is on the verge of collapsing.

Source: allAfrica
The African Development Bank has reiterated its commitment to support women's empowerment and creation of employment opportunities for the women and youth in the Sahel.

Source: Thomas Reuters Foundation
Millions of girls are left "invisible" because of a lack of data, a children's charity said on Monday, and the absence of accurate statistics on issues such as sexual violence means policymakers cannot draw up effective plans to help them.

Source allAfrica
New York, NY - On Wednesday, September 21, as the UN General Assembly was debating strategies for improving the status of women and girls around the world, the US-based NGO, Physicians for Human Rights (PHR), convened a side discussion, across the street at the United Nations Office for Partnerships (UNOP) entitled, Ending Impunity for Sexual Violence in Conflict: Strategies for a Way Forward. The small conference room was filled to capacity, with representatives of various UN missions, international organizations, NGOs, media partners, and other interested parties.

Source: The New Times
The Eastern African Sub-regional Support Initiative for the Advancement of Women (EASSI), together with affiliated regional civil society organisations are pushing for the enactment of a gender equality and development bill in the East African Community.

Source: Daily Nation
The European Union is collaborating with Kenya to devise alternative methods of getting more women elected in the next elections.

Source: This Day
Nigerian women in the medical profession have strongly decried the prevalence of domestic violence in Nigeria, describing it as very alarming and a national crisis.

Source: Daily Monitor
Eight districts in Acholi sub-region and two municipalities will each receive Shs2.480 billion, according to figures released by the ministry at the orientation meeting held at Mwokka Hotel in Gulu Town on Tuesday.

Source: Inter Press Service
London’s Waterloo Bridge over the River Thames is famously known as the “Ladies Bridge,” for it was built largely by women during the height of World War II.  On another continent, women fighting a different war have built an equally remarkable structure: a 3,300-meter anti-salt dyke constructed by a women’s association in Senegal to reclaim land affected by rising levels of salt water.

SOURCE:Thomson Reuters Foundation
Women's rights activists in Liberia on Friday welcomed a new law creating parliamentary seats reserved for women, young people and people with disabilities, in a country where women are poorly represented in politics despite having a female leader.

Source: allAfrica
Kampala — The use of social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp have increased risks of violence against women, according to the Uganda Human Rights Commission (UHRC).

Source: Algeria Press Service
ALGIERS- The five-year action plan for the protection of old women 2016-2020, presented Thursday at the Ministry of National Solidarity, Family and Women’s Affairs in Algiers, aims at providing better social assistance to old women in family circles and hosting centres.

Source: Daily Maverick
As the UN Human Rights Council prepares to vote this week on a potentially life-saving progressive Maternal Mortality and Morbidity resolution that will affect billions of women, it’s the last chance for South Africa to reflect on its role as its current term draws to a close.

Source: allAfrica
If gender statistics on corporate boards of companies in both private and public sectors are to be used as a measure of gender parity in corporate governance structures in Zimbabwe, the conclusion is clear.

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