“It doesn’t matter whether you are pregnant or not – whether you are sick or not – you have to sit and work,” Po Pov told my colleague about her job in a Cambodian garment factory. “If you take a break, the work piles up on the machine and the supervisor will come and shout. And if a pregnant worker is seen as working ‘slowly,’ her contract won’t be renewed.”

Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation

Many women in Kenya do not know that the constitution promises to eliminate gender discrimination in law, customs and practices related to property, leaving thousands at risk of homelessness

Source:  Reuters

Nigeria will not rest until the last girl kidnapped by Islamist militants has been released, President Muhammadu Buhari said on Wednesday. 

Source: allAfrica

Omatunda Ganekundi — The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has revealed that more women have participated in the agro-ecosystem management training, also known as Conservation Agriculture (CA).

Source: allAfrica

Nairobi — Many women in Kenya do not know that the constitution promises to eliminate gender discrimination in law, customs and practices related to property, leaving thousands at risk of homelessness.

Source: allAfrica

The Brunel International African Poetry Prize is the largest poetry prize on the continent. The recent shortlist of eight poets from the continent had six women on it. At a time when women are being celebrated for their achievements, the shortlist is cause for more celebration.

Source: allAfrica

Successful farming is a question of amassing and applying knowledge, adapting your approach to the ecological systems that confront you, and persevering in the face of new obstacles.