The Angolan Women Promotion and Family minister, Genoveva Lino, Friday, here, suggested that domestic violence be regarded as public crime, so that any citizen can denounce it.

Source: UN WOMEN
UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet is in Brussels 24–25 March 2011 to discuss strengthening the partnership between the European Union and UN Women.

Source: UN WOMEN
During a high-level UN delegation led by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in Egypt 19-21 March, UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet engaged with women activists, youth leaders and civil society

Source: United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO)
Some 50 women leaders from the North and South Ubangi districts of Equateur province held a round table discussion at the office of the UN Stabilization Mission in the DR Congo (MONUSCO) in Mbandaka on 23 March to establish ways and means of empowering the womenfolk in the society.

Source: The Inquirer
Women from across West Africa on Wednesday pleaded with Heads of State and Government of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to double their efforts in restoring peace to Cote D'Ivoire immediately.

Source: IPS
In the dusty streets of Bulawayo’s densely populated townships, Susan Nkiwane is making house calls today. She is one of a group of twelve women who form a fragile web of support for TB sufferers in her community.

Souce: IPS
John Kyalo Mulwa couldn’t support his family from his six hectare farm, so he quit farming to open a bar. But he turned the land – and decision-making on it – over to his wife. Turns out she’s a better farmer than he ever was.

Source:UN Women
To help promote gender mainstreaming within the national budget, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN WOMEN, formerly UNIFEM), from February 25-26, 2011, conducted a series of capacity building workshops for the National Legislature on Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB).

Source: PlusNews
HIV could lose its "special status" in Kenya's health system if a new pilot programme integrating HIV care and public healthcare proves successful.

Source: IPS
From the outside, little has changed at the Maternal and Child Healthcare Clinic: pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers wait patiently on wooden benches. A chorus of infant call-and-response betrays the less long-suffering approach of their children to the wait.

Source: IPS
If women like Judith Mussacula realise their aspirations to become the next generation of Mozambican politicians, the country's future will be in safe hands.

Source: IPS
Despite formal recognition of domestic workers' rights in South Africa, they still face a struggle for fair treatment.

Source: Voice of America
Women's groups in Kenya are calling for the government to appoint at least one woman to fill the country's top judicial positions. The Kenyan president in late January announced nominations for the positions, but withdrew the names following a ruling that the process was unconstitutional.

Source: Myjoyonline
Former First Lady and President of the 31st December Women’s Movement, Nana Konadu Agyeman-Rawlings says emerging democracies will only grow from strength to strength if women are supported to participate in political leadership and conflict management.

Source: Business Wire
The Coca-Cola Company and The Coca-Cola Africa Foundation announced today that $6 million will be dedicated to water and sanitation partnerships aimed at improving the lives of an estimated 250,000 women and girls on the African continent.

Source: AllAfrica
Msanzala Constituency Member of Parliament (MP) Peter Daka's wife Priscilla, has donated 20 sewing machines and bundles of chitenge materials worth more than K40 million to 20 women clubs in various wards with a call to the womenfolk to work hard and enhance their living standards.

Source: IPS
Eleven years ago, 192 countries – all the United Nations member states – agreed to step up the integration of women in international peacebuilding and security processes, a promise that has remained largely unmet.

Source: Ansa Africa
Some women's rights groups have expressed their disappointment at the recent national constitutional review conference organized by the Constitution Review Commission in Accra recently.

Source: WomenEnews
Egyptian women fought for the overthrow of Mubarak alongside men. But now the male-domination of transitional politics is like going backwards, writes Nadya Khalife of Human Rights Watch.

Source: The Wip
A “Thousand Women Protest March” in Abuja, Nigeria is planned for March 23, 2011 to pressure AU and ECOWAS leaders to immediately halt the violence in Cote d’Ivoire, and to ensure the killing of the seven women is investigated and the perpetrators are brought to justice.” 

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