Source: allAfrica 
Hollywood actress Meryl Streep will narrate a documentary on women's health in Kenya. The Devil Wears Prada star will voice a feature documentary Shout Gladi Gladi, co-directed by Adam Friedman and Iain Kennedy.

The film has an emphasis on fistula, a debilitating condition that turns once-healthy women into outcasts. The documentary is being made in collaboration with Ann Gloag's Freedom From Fistula Foundation, and explores Gloag's experiences working with women in Kenya, Malawi and Sierra Leone.

It will also feature appearances by philanthropist Melinda Gates and Nobel Peace laureate Wole Soyinka.

"'This powerful film attests to the igniting power of one woman, Ann Gloag, who set in motion hundreds of helping hands, doctors, nurses, caregivers, family and friends, to resuscitate the health and status of victims of fistula, and to give them back their lives," Streep said in a statement.

The director, Friedman's credits include Wolves in Winter, Color Me Blue and Medium Straight, as well as biographies for A&E on Kevin Costner, Dolly Parton, LL Cool J and John Travolta.

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