Source: UN Radio
Africa has achieved great progress on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), but millions of Africans still lack jobs, health care and food. And, too many suffer in conflicts.

That's what UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said Saturday in opening remarks to the Fifth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD V).

The Secretary-General pointed out that to find lasting solutions, we must address the links between peace, security and development.

As such, TICAD – the Tokyo International Conference on African Development is a call to action.

Secretary-General Ban said that through a global dialogue, we are forging a dynamic, universal vision on the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainability.

“These are the pillars we should address at TICAD. First, economic. We need to build on Africa's trade opportunities, high investment returns and wealth of potential. Second, social. We should advance progress on education, health and women's empowerment and unleash the power of Africa's vibrant youth. And third, environmental. Climate change affects millions of Africans. African countries did not do much to cause the problem – but they will need more help coping with the effects.”

Secretary-General Ban said that is why he's working for a global, legally binding, climate change deal by 2015. At the same time, he said, we can turn the climate challenge into an opportunity by realizing Africa's enormous potential for clean energy.


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UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon addressing the Fifth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD V).

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