Source: Nairobi Star
Politician Stanley Livondo yesterday gave Malindi MP Gideon Mung'aro three days to return money which he allegedly took from women groups for development projects, or else he will face legal action. Over 1,000 women had allegedly

contributed Sh500 each with the promise of being given Sh3 million by the MP each year that he is in power.

The money was for loans for development but instead the legislator allegedly ordered the women to withdraw some of the cash to pay his constituency staff and never refunded it. The MP is said to have sacked the top leadership of the Malindi Constituency Womens group. Among those sacked were Elizabeth Muthoka also known as Mama Dadu who was serving on the Roads board.

The women who were wearing uniform approached Livondo in Watamu and asked him to help them get their money back. They claim their contribution amounted to over Sh497,0000 of which the MP is not a signatory. "I have received complaints from these women and give Mung'aro upto Wednesday to pay back the money or else I will take the matter to the police from the district up to the provincial level," Livondo said.

However Mung'aro, who is also the Coast parliamentary group vice chairman, dismissed the claims and accused the women of being corrupt. The MP said he had sacked them because they messed up funds meant for development for women, and feared they would cause more harm if they continued to serve under him. "How can I take Sh300,000 or less than a half a million for women if I have a lot of money personally? Shame on them, they should come out openly and explain how they spent the money and tell the public that the money I helped them with was from my personal account," he said.

The MP said he will take the matter to the CID so that action is taken against them for engaging in corruption adding that he has enough evidence. Mung'aro told off Livondo's three day ultimatum and asked him to go back to campaign for his Langata parliamentary seat instead of interfering with his development agendas in Malindi.

He said Livondo is being used by foreigners who are out to tarnish his name for his stand to help the locals acquire their land at the controversial beach area of Chembe Kibabamuche. "Livondo should not waste his time here because he will not succeed. Why doesn't he say that I refused a Sh1 million bribe from the foreigners who sent him so that I loosen the nut on the Chembe Kibabamuche beach cointroversy," Mung'aro said.

During the meeting over the weekend Livondo said he is ready to fund anybody to get the parliamentary seat in Malindi so as to oust the current MP, but Mung'aro maintained that they will never succeed because he is the most popular candidate on the ground. The Lang'ata parliamentary loser said he will report the case to the new Malindi OCPD, DCIO, DC, PC, and PCIO over the issue of the women's funds. 

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