UN Women welcomes the Convention’s comprehensive and integrated approach, paying attention to services and support women require and in response to violence; while also dedicating attention to the importance of prevention.
On official mission to Turkey, the Executive Director, Ms. Bachelet also takes the opportunity to acknowledge the leadership of the Government of Turkey, whose representatives were instrumental in the process of adopting the Convention.
Ms. Bachelet said: “I know first-hand that in my region, the ‘sister’ Convention of Belem do Para 1994, the only other regional treaty in the world dedicated to ending the global pandemic of violence against women, was path breaking, proving its value and impact for the betterment of the lives of women and their communities across Latin America. I am sure the new CoE Convention will be important in the lives of women of Europe. This is why I urge the signatories of the Convention to move towards early ratification, so that the treaty’s entry into force can be secured. UN Women stands ready to support the Council of Europe and its Member States achieve this immediate objective.”