Source: The Star
Seven parents and a circumciser have been arrested in Ywalateke village, West Pokot county for circumcising six girls. Speaking to the press at Chepareria Subcounty Hospital where the girls are receiving treatment, area chief Jacob Lemutukei said the suspects were arrested after a tip-off from the public.

The girls aged between 10 and 13 were rescued by police from a hideout. The suspects are being held at Kapenguria police station and will be taken to court today. Lemutukei said more than 20 girls are suspected to have undergone female genital mutilation.

"We were tipped off by residents that circumcision had taken place in the area on Friday morning," he said. Lemutukei said they have intensified patrols to deter the practice. He said they are working closely with the community to arrest more culprits, who have hidden their daughters after the eight arrests.

Nominated MCA and anti-FGM crusader Teresia Lokichu asked the government to take stern action against those involved in FGM. She said the practice has adversely affected girls' education as most of them drop out of school after undergoing the cut. "This is a primitive culture that must be stopped to protect our girls. There is need for affirmative action to curb such cases."

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