Source: The Star
Two teenage girls in Tseikuru district, Kitui County want their father arrested and charged for defiling and making one of them - a standard six pupil - pregnant. With the help of the World Vision NGO officials, the two who have suffered in silence for years have finally spilled the beans.

The two girls aged 18 and 16 from Itung'uni village, in Musavani division reported the matter to the Tseikuru Police station.

Yesterday the Tseikuru OCS Peter Kiememia confirmed that a search for the man had been mounted.

"We have the case in our records and I am now going out to look for the suspect. Call me tomorrow morning so that I could tell you whether or not we have found him," said the OCS when he spoke on phone yesterday morning.

Even as the police prepared to nab the errant parent, word went round that he could be on the run after he realised that his bad deeds had been brought out into the open. Reports indicated that he was holed up in Mwingi town, about 100 kilometers from his home.

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