Source: The Star
Two street boys believed to have raped a woman who died hours later at a Nairobi hospital were yesterday lynched by Limuru residents.

The two, Simon Ndegwa, 33, and Peter Njoroge, 30 are said to have raped 63 year-old Monical Wambui on Wednesday last week. A third street urchin was arrested and is still in custody.

The allegations angered the residents who went out looking for the street boys after their colleague was arrested. They caught up with the two in thickets near the Limuru Sports Grounds.

"They were burnt at night as the residents felt they could not keep up with such an evil act," a witness said. Wambui's son, John Njuguna, said his mother had woken up early on Wednesday morning to attend the 6am prayers at the Full Gospel Church Limuru town.

Njuguna said his mother was waylaid by the three near the junction to the Limuru DC's office. They beat her senselessly and dragged her to a nearby bush where they raped her before they escaped.

He said faithfuls called the family when Wambui failed to attend the prayers. "We received a phone call from her collegues. My father was very shocked as mother had left the house very early in the morning. We started searching for her," said Njuguna.

"We found her unconscious in the bush with injuries to her head. We reported the matter top the police." Lari deputy police boss Jonathan Kisaka said that she Wambui was rushed to the Tigoni Women Hospital where she was given first aid and transferred to the Nairobi Women Hospital where she was admitted for two days and transferred to the Aga Khan Hospital. 

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