Source: Economic Community of West African States
ECOWAS Commission and the Africa Unite Campaign are rallying ECOWAS Member States to help end violence against women and girls in sub-Saharan Africa. To this end, the 5th Regional Committee Meeting of Africa Unite held at the ECOWAS Commission's Abuja headquarters on 2nd and 3rd August 2012 agreed on the joint implementation of Africa Unite's communication strategy by the two organizations.

Using the strategy, Africa Unite and partners are expected to shed more light on violence against women and girls, and also increase public awareness and social mobilization against the phenomenon. The campaign will help mobilize support for African governments to fulfill their commitments to end violence against women and girls as well as empower women and their communities to stop violence by demanding accountability.

Speaking at the meeting, Dr. Adrienne Diop, Commissioner for Human Development and Gender, reaffirmed ECOWAS' commitment to the campaign, with Africa Unite and the UN Women as allies. Similarly, the ECOWAS Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security, Mrs. Salamatu Hussaini Suleiman, noted that women were always vulnerable during conflicts in the region.

Ms Jennet Kem, a representative of Africa Unite, the regional component of the UN campaign to end violence against women and girls, said the group would continue to adopt and enforce national laws to address and punish all forms of violence against women and girls. The group argues that violence prevents women from enjoying human rights and fundamental freedoms such as the right to life and security of person to attain the highest standards of physical and mental health, education, work and housing, and to participate in public life.

Africa Unite is an inter-agency initiative that groups some 14 UN organizations in support of African countries to undertake coordinated, substantial and sustained actions to eliminate violence against women and girls. The 5th regional committee meeting was also attended by representatives of U.N Women, the UN Economic Commission for Africa, the Swedish Ambassador in Nigeria and officials of ECOWAS Commission officials. 

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