Source: Osun Defender
Elimination or drastic reduction of  violence against women, as well as participation of women in governance, will surely enhance the peace of the nation.

This was the submission of the Chief Judge of  Ogun State, Justice Olatokunbo Olopade at the National Executive Council meeting of the Nigeria Association of Women Journalists held in Abeokuta, capital of Ogun State last weekend.

Justice Olopade affirmed that women have been subjected to various kinds of discrimination based on their gender and cultural stereotypes that cast women primarily in the roles of wives and mothers.

She further stated that, it has been revealed that violence against women and cancer constitute a greater cause of deaths among women of reproductive ages than road accidents and malaria combined.

Justice Olopade added that 15-71 per cent of women are reported to be experiencing physical and sexual violence by their intimate partners at some points in their lives.

She asserted that all women deserve a life with the opportunity to be educated, to work and to participate in all aspects of public life.

She then urged women to stand together as one, against any forms of violence against their rights, so as to end all forms of discrimination and violence against women and girl child, she submitted.

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