Source: Georges W. Bush Institute
In less than two weeks, Heads of State, current and former First Ladies, government officials, academics, and representatives from non-profit and private sector organizations around the world will gather at the George W. Bush Institute’s African First Ladies Summit, “Investing in Women: Strengthening Africa” in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, to focus on effective investments in women that lead to greater stability and prosperity in countries.

The Summit will highlight the critical role First Ladies play as advocates for women and girls, spotlight success stories and best practices, and discuss public-private partnerships that lead to sustainable results. 

In addition to keynote addresses by President and Mrs. Bush, participants will include Mrs. Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States; Mrs. Cherie Blair, Founder, Cherie Blair Foundation for Women; the Honorable Nancy G. Brinker, Chair, Global Strategy, Susan G. Komen for the Cure®; U.N. Goodwill Ambassador for Cancer Control; the Honorable Mark Dybul, Executive Director, Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria; Dr. Martin Fisher, Co-Founder and CEO, KickStart International; Dr. Julie Gerberding, President, Merck Vaccines; Ms. Suzanne McCarron, President, ExxonMobil Foundation; the Honorable Leslie Rowe, Ambassador, Office of Global Health Diplomacy, U.S. Department of State; and the Honorable Michel Sidibé, Executive Director, UNAIDS, Undersecretary-General of the United Nations.

African First Ladies expected to attend include Madame Chantal Campaore of Burkina Faso, Madam Roman Tesfaye of Ethiopia, Madam Maria da Luz Dai Guebuza of Mozambique, Madam Penehupifo Pohamba of Namibia, Madam Sia Nyama Koroma of Sierra Leone, Madam Salma Kikwete of Tanzania, Madam Janet Kataaha Museveni of Uganda and Madam Christine Kaseba of Zambia.

Those who can't participate in the Summit in person can engage via social media in a number of ways, including: 

  • Using the hastag #investinwomen on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
  • Downloading and sharing the #investinwomen graphic
  • Following and engaging with program participants, including @TheBushCenter and @LauraWBush
  • Watching the Summit via our live stream 
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