Source: The Star
MEN in Kwale county confiscating their wives' identification c have been told to surrender them or face prosecution. A lawyer with Fida Kenya Christine Kipsang said it is illegal for men to keep identification belonging to their wives.

She said that the problem is rampant in Kwale county because of traditional and cultural beliefs which she claimed are outdated.

Addressing locals in Kwale cultural centre during a one day workshop organised by Fida Kenya to sensitise locals on women, land and property ownership rights yesterday, Kipsang said women have their rights to keep their identification cards.

She said it is a crime for men to continue holding their wives' IDs urging women with such cases to report to police. "You can not just keep identification card for your wife when it is needed for many purposes, it is illegal . When you men confiscate women IDs it means they can not get loans from loaning bodies, so you must stop doing that," she told the gathering.

Kipsang said the issue is always fueled by some of the men who want always to be the decision makers in all matters and especially on property ownership. "I have come to tell you men that women have a right to own, whether they buy or they inherit from parents," she noted.

Moreen Khakasa an officer working with Yehu micro finance in Kwale said that they were always getting complaints from women who claim their IDs are kept by their husbands making it difficult for them to get loans.
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