Source: The Citizen
The African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights has pledged full support to organisations that are involved in women's rights. The court, which is based here, has begun organising seminars for women human rights NGOs as it seeks to extend its services across the continent. The court spokesperson, Mr Jean-Pierre Uwanone Ntawizeruwanone, said that the seminars, held in different parts of Africa, are aimed at enhancing human rights in Africa.

One of them was held in Younde, Cameroon, last week to raise awareness on the court's functions, notably amongst women's organisations' in a bid to sensitise such NGOs and other potential users of the court.It targeted and Cameroon in particular for it is yet to ratify the protocol on the establishment of the court.

During the seminar, participants were briefed on the role of the court, its jurisdictions, enforcement of the decisions and the relationship between it and the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights as well as other regional entities.

Mr Ntawizeruwanone, said the academia must encourage the teaching of subjects that would help build a human rights culture on the continent, targeting especially young girls and the less educated and increase networking among African universities in the teaching of human rights and promotion of the court.

He also asked the media to carry out sensitisation and advocacy for the court, and remind governments the necessity to ratify the protocol and disseminate information on human rights.

in general and the rights of women in particular.

The Younde seminar follows a series of sensitisation activities the court has organised since 2011, aimed at creating awareness among stakeholders, including in particular including the continental conference on the promotion of the court held in Lilongwe Malawi, from March 9 to 11, 2011.

Others are the consultative and sensitisation seminar for national human rights institutions in Africa, held in Arusha, Tanzania, from November 16 to 18 2011 and the regional sensitization seminar for north and eastern Africa organised in Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia, from August 22 to 24 last year.

During the event, the Court officials held discussions with the Cameroon government authorities who promised to consider ratifying the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights on the Establishment of the Court.

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