Source: The Star
WOMEN and the youth in Kakamega have asked to support the sole woman candidate aspiring for the county's governor's seat in the general election. The county United Democratic Forum interim youth leader Alex Khamasi said time is ripe for a woman governor "who will bring a difference in politics by caring for the vulnerable, the marginalised, women and children through promotion of inclusiveness".

He said the emergency of Mabel Muruli to face a herculean of male chauvinism in the quest to beat the abrasive male contesters for the county's governorship cannot be underestimated because the region has been subjected to over the years to male leadership who have led to inadequate infrastructure and lack of sufficient resource mobilization rendering Western among the under-developed regions in Kenya.

Speaking in Musanda when he met women groups from South Wanga division, Khamasi underscored the need to bring into politics the strength of clear grasp of key social issues and how they are interconnected to development through delivery of quality services, nurturing of talents and building capacity. He said the 50 years-old business lady in the United Kingdom has the capacity and ability to spearhead development in the county owing to her academic prowess and vast leadership experience. "Having strong links and networks in the Europe, Muruli stands the best suited to improve living standards for the people of Kakamega County" he said urging women to support one of their own to salvage their interests.

Khamasi disclosed that the 'powerful lady' intends to undertake interventions that will restore the quality of education for the county's learning fraternity by ensuring the participation in school governance structures, access to textbooks through conducting book harvesting functions in schools and mentoring activities through giving talks to girls in school. "She also to prioritize economic empowerment of people of Kakamega using women and youth as entry points to promote access to capital for small scale enterprises" he stated.

Contacted on phone from the UK, Muruli said she intends to join a party with a strong team which has a line-up that will help her cover a wider geographical region than would be possible if she moved as an individual. "I intend to turn tables in the male-dominated political field of Kakamega county to bring issue-based leadership to the people of Kakamega" she said. But Khamasi, in a quick rejoinder, said UDF will give room for women leadership because it upholds the constitutional requirement of two-thirds representation and is warming up to receive Muruli to vie for the seat on UDF ticket.

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