Source: WomenWatch
This section is administered by the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women). The purpose and the role of evaluation in UN Women is to enhance accountability, inform decision-making and contribute to learning on the best ways to achieve women’s empowerment and gender equality through operational and normative work.

The consideration of gender and human rights in the evaluation practice involves the integration of gender equality and human rights dimensions in all steps of the evaluation process and involves the analysis of the effects of the interventions in enhancing or negatively affecting gender equality and the empowerment of women. In this context, gender analysis frameworks and feminist and transformative paradigms have key implications for gender and human rights responsive evaluation.

This section aims to promote knowledge on Gender Equality and Human Rights responsive evaluations by providing access to various resources including publications, reports and information on training opportunities. Also through this section evaluation practitioners can access Gender Equality and Human Rights responsive evaluations communities of practice and networks.

In addition, the section provides access to UN Women Manual on Gender Equality and Human Rights Responsive Evaluation a practical guide to help those initiating, managing and/or using gender equality and human rights responsive evaluations. It is intended for all international development professionals who deliver or manage programmes and projects. The guide provides direction, advice and tools for every step in the evaluation process. It contains tools to aid in the process and references to provide a greater depth of information on specific topics and issues.

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