Source: The News Record
A student leader is using her position to bring an event to the University of Cincinnati designed to inspire women to find their inner royalty.

Tiffany Peterson, who currently holds the title of UC's Miss Kuamka 2014, said she believes that all women are Queens in their own special way.

That is why she has come up with UC's first annual I Am a Queen event.

The free event includes special guest motivational speakers, live performances from local Cincinnati musicians, honorary awards, giveaways and a grand-finale fashion show.

The fashion show will feature student models and student stylists, as well as apparel and accessories from local boutiques that will be donating their clothes specifically for the event.

Not wanting to get too detailed about who and what specifically will be part of the event, Miss Kuamka 2014 said she would appreciate it if students would attend and simply find out for themselves.

If you would like to know more about the event, take it from the fourth-year marketing student herself. This Q & A with the cultural beauty queen will give you more insight on not only the event, but who she is as an individual.

You currently hold the title of UC's Miss Kuamka 2014 Queen. Can you explain what it is and what it means to you to hold the title?

Kuamka is Swahili for "in the beginning," and every year the African American Cultural and Resource Center hosts a pageant to recognize a male and female as the King and Queen of the Black Community. My role as Miss Kuamka is to host events, speak at various engagements, strengthen and unite the black community through my platform: to create programs and initiatives that will empower women on campus and in the community. It is truly an honor to be Miss Kuamka 2014. It means that I have something important to fulfill, having this title is bigger than me and at the end of the day my goal is to motivate and empower other women.

As Miss Kuamka, you are holding an event later this month called #IAMAQUEEN. What can people expect from this event and how can people get information about the event if they are interested in attending?

#IAMAQUEEN is a women's empowerment event that will recognize women and students on campus and in the community. The event will consist of speakers, performances, a fashion show and more. People can definitely expect to witness an event like no other that will encourage women to embrace their inner sexy, exude confidence, know their history and empower one another while being entertained.

You mentioned there is a fashion show to end the event. What does fashion mean to you, and as a young woman, how does fashion play a role in your life?

Fashion simply means to express your inner self through creative art and clothing; it is about showing your personality and who you are. Fashion plays a role in my life by allowing me to convey who I am and, depending on the fit for the day or occasion, it enables me to feel that extra confidence and my fierce alter ego Carmen shines through.

Do you have any fashion inspirations for your personal style?

My fashion inspirations are of course Beyoncé and then Ciara. I love the versatility in their style and how sexy they make their overall look. These women can wear almost anything and make it look flawless.

Going back to your #IAMAQUEEN event, what inspired you to have such an event? Who does this event benefit?

I had a vision about creating a women's empowerment movement, therefore, I took action to make this vision come to life. I am very passionate about women empowering and uplifting one another. There is a negative image in the media that is portrayed of our women. People tend to see women displayed in a negative manner, degrading each other when not all women act like that. Therefore, I named the movement IAMAQUEEN to encourage women to affirm the Queens that they are. This event will benefit all women to embrace who they are and it will also benefit men to understand the value of women.

I Am A Queen

                                                                  Tiffany Peterson, Miss Kuamka 2014, created the upcoming I Am a Queen event.

What is your secret on balancing your extracurricular activities as Miss Kuamka 2014 and focusing on your academics simultaneously?

When you are trying to put together a big production and manage your academics, it is not always easy. One of the things that has helped me out is having a committee that come to the rescue when I need help. My Queens definitely take some of the load off of my plate. The next big secret to balancing my activities and academics, that I had to learn, is putting my academics first and utilizing my Queens for help. Keep a planner and keep your priorities first.

Tell the readers something about yourself that you would want them to know, that they may not know about you already.

Well, one thing that people would not know about me unless I told them is that I am the youngest of 14 siblings. And yes, I really have 14 siblings.

What are some long-term goals of yours?

My long-term goals would be to become that virtuous woman and light to other women by encouraging them to be free and be the women they are capable of becoming.  After graduation, I aspire to work on the business side of the entertainment industry and I plan to attend graduate school and further my education and to live life to the fullest with a liberated spirit, while traveling the world seeing God's beauty and becoming a philanthropist.

With the support of sponsors, faculty members, and much help from the University of Cincinnati's African American Cultural Resource Center, student committee members solely put on the event.

Students have come together to plan out the entire shindig.

From the finale fashion show to the food, even right down to the decorations, students planned everything.

The event is ideal for anyone interested in Cincinnati's blossoming fashion scene; it is a family-friendly day comprised of free food and entertainment.

The event will take place 3-6 p.m. Nov. 23 in TUC Great Hall.

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