Source: WorldStage News Online
The Nigerian Government and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Commission at the weekend agreed to work together towards promoting girl-child education and treatment of Vascular Virginal Fistula Patients in the country.

The newly appointed ECOWAS Commissioner of Social Affairs and Gender, Dr. Fatima Dia Sow said in Abuja over the weekend at a meeting with the Nigeria's Minister of Women Affairs and Social Development, Hajiya Zainab Maina that, "We are looking at strategic areas to enhance our collaboration. Some of these areas include political participation of women, micro-credit empowerment of women and how to increase our efforts in terms of funding.

"And in view of the current security challenges in Nigeria, we are looking at the issues of Women in Peace and Security, Gender and Migration. Also from next year, the Commission will support government's efforts at tracking the issue of VVF.".

She expressed the concern and solidarity of the ECOWAS Secretariat on the abducted Chibok Girls, saying "We are all working on Child's Rights, Education and Development; hence it becomes necessary to renew our concern on this unfortunate incident".

Responding, the Minister of Women Affairs and Social Development, Hajiya Zainab Maina reiterated the commitment of the Nigerian government to boost women political and economic empowerment, saying it was part of the Transformation Agenda of the present Administration.

She assured that education, especially for the girl-child, will continue to occupy a pride of place under the Jonathan Administration. "We have a President that is not only gender friendly, but also committed to mainstream gender in all aspects of national development.

He has demonstrated that in the appointment of about 33 percent of women cabinet members, and the recent resolve to boost women economic empowerment with N132billion from the CBN's (Central Bank on Nigeria) Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Fund (MSMEDF).

The Minister expressed optimism that the renewed partnership with the ECOWAS Commission will go a long way in boosting the current efforts at tackling the myriads of issues and concerns on the welfare and development of Nigerian women and girls.

She equally called for the reduction of bottlenecks and bureaucracy by domiciling the Girls Education Scholarship Account in the Federal Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development. "I will like to suggest that the account presently domiciled in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should be moved to the Ministry of Women Affairs with a Foreign Affairs officer as a signatory if need be," she said.

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