Source: The Star
KISUMU women's representative Rose Nyamunga has said the county will establish a revolving fund to eradicate poverty and promote the girls' education.

Speaking during girls' mentorship forum at Kisumu Pentecostal Church yesterday, Nyamunga said there is increased child labour in Kisumu especially in the sugarcane growing areas and urban centres.

The forum was attended by more than 2,500 students from various schools in the county. Nyamunga said children are engaged in hawking wares and foodstuff for extra income for their families.

She warned that such children end up in the streets where they become dangerous criminals. Nyamunga attributed this to the ever rising number of school dropouts, particularly girls, who become vulnerable.

The legislator said the best solution to address child labour and tackle poverty is through empowering women and youth financially to start income generating activities.

She said lack of sanitary towels contributes to many girls dropping out of school and engaged in premature sexual relationships culminating in unwanted pregnancies.

Nyamunga said girls' enrolment has increased to 48 per cent from 20 per cent in Kisumu.

"Despite the enrolment rising, a lot still needs to be done to bring the girls at par with boys who stand at 52 per cent in enrolment," she said.

Nyamunga asked the county government to establish a fund to supplement the youth, women and Uwezo funds so as to improve residents' lives.

She appealed to parents to continue playing the rightful role of promoting their children's education, moral development and spiritual nourishment.

Nyamunga said teachers and parents should support students so they can achieve their ambitions. "We urge girls to select their careers early so they can have something to focus on," she said.

Nyamunga decried deteriorating moral values and urged parents and church leaders to guide the youth.

"We must be in the forefront to ensure students adopt good practices and behaviour in line with the prevailing cultural norms," she said.

Nyamunga cautioned the youth to stop engaging in early sex as it may lead to early pregnancies and contracting of HIV/AIDs. Chief Guest Joyce Mugambi asked the girls to dream and work hard to achieve their dreams.

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