Source: This Day Live
MasterCard, has announced a collaboration with Youth for Technology Foundation (YTF) in Nigeria to support 1500 women entrepreneurs by providing them with technology and skills-enhancement programs.

Through the Nigerian Women Entrepreneurs program, YTF is targeting female business owners from the Niger Delta region, and is providing them with business management and capacity building skills, while deepening their access to financial services.

YTF said in a statement that it would recruit and train women entrepreneurs from across nine states in the Niger Delta region including: Abia, Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa, Cross Rivers, Delta, Imo, Ondo, Rivers and Edo.

According to the statement, participants will undergo 10 hours of classroom and online training as well as networking events designed to allow for exchange of experiences among fellow entrepreneurs. Participants will receive SMS-based messages twice a week with information ranging from business basics, tools, leadership, money management, sales and marketing as well as banking and credit.

Commenting on the partnership with MasterCard, Executive Director of YTF, Mrs. Njideka Harry said: "We are keen on harnessing the power of technology to transform the lives of disadvantaged people and communities in developing countries. We are very happy to partner with MasterCard in Nigeria to provide female entrepreneurs in the Niger Delta region with practical tools that will bring transformation to their businesses, and by extension enhance their lives as well."

MasterCard works with a number of non-profit organizations around the world to support financial literacy, entrepreneurial empowerment and much more.

Speaking in the same vein, Vice-President and Area Business Head, MasterCard West Africa, Omokehinde Ojomuyide said "MasterCard has always been passionate about empowering women entrepreneurs across the globe. In Nigeria, we have found an excellent partner in Youth for Technology Foundation that is already actively at work in Nigeria and other parts of the continent. We desire to see a financially inclusive nation, where citizens across all demographic groups can access financial services and in so doing, enhance their lives."

According to him, the Nigeria Women Entrepreneurs programme is expected to accelerate access to financial products for small and medium size business owners, through skills enhancement to boost business growth and development.

MasterCard is a technology company in the global payments industry. It operate the world's fastest payments processing network, connecting consumers, financial institutions, merchants, governments and businesses in more than 210 countries and territories.

On the other hand, YTF is an international non-profit organisation founded in 2000. YTF partners with youths and women living in marginalised and rural communities in the developing world and in low-income communities in the United States. YTF equips them with information and communications technology (ICT) skills which empower them to stay in school, transition to viable employment or create jobs through entrepreneurship.

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