Source: Thisdaylive
The Director General of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Ms Aruma Oteh, has called on Nigerian women to take advantage of the growth in all sectors of the nation's economy to enhance their well being and contribute more to the society.

The SEC boss made this know while speaking at the annual lecture of Women in Management, Business and Public Service (WIMBIZ), held in Lagos Thursday.

She stated that Nigerian remain one of the fastest growing economies in the world with several opportunities in agriculture, oil and gas, power, manufacturing, arts, sports and entertainment.

Oteh stressed that for years Nigeria's potential had been a well kept secret from international investors pointing out that this fact is no longer hidden.

According to her, "Since 2005 when the same Goldman Sachs economist who coined the BRIC acronym, Jim O'Neill, listed Nigeria among the next 11 countries for investment, every study of frontier markets that will attract the most investor interest in the future features Nigeria.

"The most recent of these studies by Fidelity, a Boston-based asset management firm, identified three countries along with Nigeria that deserve the attention of investors. The countries are Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey (MINT) whose high growth rates favourable demographics and prospects make them compelling investment destinations."

She added that for several decades Nigerian economy has grown above 7 per cent and is set to become the largest African economy when rebased GDP figures are released this year.

On improving access to opportunities for women and closing the gender gaps, she suggested that the way out is to tackle gaps in access to finance.

However, she said government's reform of the investment climate and maintenance of macroeconomic stability will ultimately improve access to finance for women entrepreneurs.

"In addition to reforms, there have been direct interventions by various agencies of government to provide funding for female-run businesses such as the second phase of Youth Enterprise with Innovation in Nigeria (YouWin) which was dedicated to providing funding and business coaching to about 1,200 young women who have set up businesses and are employing other Nigerians.

"The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) also supports women through its Micro Small Medium Enterprise Development Fund (MEMEDF), a N220 billion fund that dedicates 60 per cent of its lending to women-sponsored businesses at single-digit interest rate, "she said.


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