Source: The Star
Six groups of widows in Laikipia County have received money from an NGO to start a dairy goat rearing project. Wazaire for Wajane Foundation, which empowers widows, gave the groups Sh600,000.

Speaking during at a function at Endana village in Segera location, Leah Njeri, the founder of the NGO, said widows are sidelined by their families after their husbands' death hence the need to boost their livelihoods.

"It is sad that even the government has sidelined them. The county governments should set up a fund for the women," said Njeri, popularly known as Wazaire.

She said groups from five counties have received money to start small businesses of their choice. Laikipia Governor Joshua Irungu and Laikipia county MP Jane Apollos said there is need to set up a special kitty for the widows.

Irungu said his administration is ready to work with special groups and will boost them through the newly formed Governor's Kitty. Apollos thanked the organisation for their help and said she will lobby for their special consideration during disbursement of the Uwezo funds.

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