Source: UK WILPF
Date: 9 March
Location: London, UK

Wednesday 9th March, 6-7 pm, IWD Vigil

UK WILPF will be taking part in a IWD Vigil in unison with seven other organisations (Women in Black, Southall Black Sisters, Newham Asian Women's Project, Amargi of Istanbul, Okinawa Women Act against Military Violence, London Feminist Network, and Women for Women International).

Meet at the Edity Cavall Statue opposite the National Portrait Gallery, Trafalgar Square, London.

Just a note: Women in Black host this weekly vigil on Wednesdays in which they usually wear black but they understand that friends from other groups will be in any colour whatever. However, please respect the practice of being silent and not chatting while the vigil is happening from 6 till 7 pm. If passers-by come up and try to engage in conversation, Women in Black usually politely refer them to whoever is doing the leafletting, and say "we try to remain silent on the vigil but so-and-so would really enjoy to talk to you".

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