Source: United Nations Regional Information Center for Western Europe
Date: 7 March 2011
Location: Belgium, Bruxelles

In the context of the International Women's Day, we are pleased to inform you about about two events at BOZAR on 7th March:

 A debate on “violence against women” (starting at 18:30 hrs) with representatives from UN Women, civil society and the European Union (TBC). The UN campaign "Say NO – UNiTE to End Violence against Women" will set the basis for a discussion that will focus on issues of particular relevance also in the European context, such as domestic violence issues both from a policy and action-oriented perspectives. Please register for the debate (free entrance) by sending an email with your name to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Following the debate, there is a preview of Die Fremde (“When we leave”) (starting at 20:00 hrs) jointly organized by ABC Distribution, BOZAR CINEMA, the Goethe-Institut Brüssel and CINEMATEK in partnership with UNRIC, UN Women, European Parliament’s LUX Prize, Amazone and Elles Tournent Festival, in the presence of the director Feo Aladag who will participate in an interview with Nicolas Crousse (Le Soir) after the screening.

Difficult social issues related to women’s place in society and violence against women, including domestic violence and so-called “honour killings” motivated director Feo Aladag to make this film. It won several prizes in 2010, including the Lux Prize from the European Parliament, the Grand Prix at the International Film Festival Ghent and Label Europa Cinemas Prize at the Berlin Film Festival.

The tickets for the film can be purchased at a price of EUR 10 at:

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