Source: Make Every Woman Count (MEWC)
This report summarises the progress made by African countries regarding women's rights and gender equality on the continent during the first year of the African Women's Decade.

800px-Peul_women_in_PaouaThis is done by presenting each country on the continent with a background and a presentation of progress and developments made within different areas, with importance for the human rights of women and gender equality. The report is divided into sections according to regional visions of the African continent, and the countries are then presented individually.

MEWC will publish one report yearly throughout the 10-year duration of the African Women’s Decade. The purpose of the report is to provide an overview of women's rights situation in Africa. It is important to keep track of countries progress with regards to gender equality in Africa for several reasons. It is a way of keeping track of the progress made on the continent and will thus function as a resource for developments throughout the decade. It is also an important tool when advocating for change, as developments regarding progress on gender issues will be made available. Furthermore, the report can function as an incentive for countries to improve their efforts in the areas of gender equality and the human rights of women.

To read the full report, please click   HERE

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