Source: Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa In November last year CODESERIA held its annual Gender Symposium in Cairo, Egypt on the theme “Gender and the Media in Africa,” opening up a much needed platform on which gender and media scholars could renew reflection on the multi-faceted connection between media and gender in Africa. This special issue of Africa Media Review seeks to continue the dialogue by examining how political and social transformations on the continent resulting from re-democratisation, neo-liberalism and globalisation are implicating the nature of the relationship between media and gender.
We welcome contributions on theoretical and practical perspectives on the subject including, but not limited to:
Gendered audiences
Gender and media entrepreneurship
Gendered implications of changes in media landscape resulting from democracy, globalisation and economic liberalisation
Gender and film industry/culture in Africa
Gendered access and appropriation of new media and communication technologies: gender and online journalism; social networking and gender, the female bloggers, SMS /text messaging in gender-related campaigns, etc.
The gendered dimensions of covering critical issues such as HIV/AIDS, peace and conflict, sexual and gender-based violence, elections and politics, etc.
Gendered representations in African popular culture
Representations of femininity and masculinity in the media
Media as gendered activist space
The relevance of gendered media spaces
Gender and media education/pedagogy
Final articles should be between 6,000 and 8,000 words in length. All contributions will go through a rigorous anonymous peer-review process.
Deadline for short proposals: March 1, 2012 Deadline for acceptance note: April 1, 2012 Deadline for full papers: May 1, 2012