Source: All Africa
Pregnant women in Nairobi will no longer get free maternity services.

Suppliers to hospitals that offer free maternity services have cut their service for lack of payment.

A firm that supplies goods at Pumwani Maternity Hospital said they will not offer the service until they are paid.

The county has not paid the supplier for three months.

Yesterday, the County Assembly Health Committee chaired by Nairobi South MCA Manoah Mboku said Sh160 million the county received from the Health ministry for free maternal services has been used to pay salaries.

Mboku said the county acting secretary Gregory Mwakanongo has directed the Finance department not to release money to any hospital.

Mwakanongo could not be reached for comment.

Health executive Bernard Muia and chief officer Robert Ayitsi said they were not aware.

When President Uhuru Kenyatta took over power, he promised free maternity services in all public hospitals.

Women, especially those from slums who sought services at Pumwani, Mbagathi, Mama Lucy Kibaki and Mutuini hospitals will no longer get them.

"The last time Pumwani received money for free maternity services was six months ago," Mboku said.

Mboku appealed to Governor Evans Kidero to ensure money allocated to the free services is not channelled to other use.

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