Source: StarAfrica
The World Bank has approved $170.2 million for women and adolescent girls to expand their access to reproductive, child and maternal health services in five countries in Africa's Sahel region and the Economic Community of Western African States (ECOWAS).

According to a statement issued on Monday by the World Bank, the Sahel Women's Empowerment and Demographic Dividend Project will also help promote regional knowledge and data on proven gender development programs.

"To end poverty across Africa and promote greater prosperity for families, we know that the answer involves improved access to health services for women and educating adolescent girls," said Makhtar Diop, World Bank Vice President for the Africa Region.

"Meeting these objectives is even more critical for countries in the Sahel, which have some of the world's highest birth rates. Improving access to maternal and child health, and family planning services, will create more economic opportunities for women and girls in the region," Diop added.

High fertility, rapid population growth and poor health services are preventing Sahelian countries from taking advantage of their demographic dividend which could bring greater prosperity, according to Christophe Lemière, Task Team Leader for the project.

"This project supports a much-needed multi-sectoral approach to women and girls' empowerment and their access to health services. It will work across borders to help overcome barriers to empowering women and girls, and give them the tools to shape their own future," Lemière said.

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