Source: East African Business Week (Kampala)
According to the Uganda Women's Health Initiative (UWHI), 3,577 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer and 2,464 die from the disease every year.

About 33.6% of women in the general population are estimated to harbor cervical human papilloma virus infection which is the main cause of cervical cancer.Prof.

Josaphat Byamugisha of Mulago hospital says 80% of the patients who go for screening in Uganda are in their third and forth stages of the cancer which is incurable.


"There are various causes of cervical cancer including having many sexual partners, having sex at an early age and also people living with HIV and AIDS are bound to catch the cancer at an earlier stage than the others without," states Prof. Josaphat Byamugisha.


Smoking, long term use of contraceptive pills, long term mental stress and getting pregnant several times and at a very young age are also some of the other causes of cervical cancer as proven by doctors worldwide.


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