Royal Philips Electronics released its  Fabric of Africa Trends Report on healthcare services across Africa, focusing specifically on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), maternal and child health and the strengthening of healthcare systems.

The report reflects that mortality rates for women and children in Africa continue to rise and are amongst the highest in the world due to a lack of adequate healthcare services.

As Koninklijke Philips Electronics  said, the report was commissioned as part of the Philips ‘Fabric of Africa’ campaign to provide a comprehensive and holistic overview of the current healthcare issues and trends experienced in Africa and focuses specifically on Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, South Africa, and Egypt.

Speaking about the report, Peter van de Ven, General Manager, Philips Healthcare Africa, said: “This report highlights the huge amount of work to be done in improving access to healthcare across Africa, particularly for women. Through our Fabric of Africa campaign we again demonstrate our commitment to improving the healthcare infrastructure across the continent. We believe collaboration is the most effective way to create sustainable solutions. We have extensive experience in developing programs with governments, NGOs, and other organizations and this campaign is a call to action to address the key issues dominating our trends report.”

Discussing the issues highlighted in the report, Dr. Eric Silfen, Chief Medical Officer at Philips Healthcare said: “The report details a near ‘perfect storm’ of critical health concerns and health system inadequacies that must be addressed by the world community. African women deserve vastly improved access to the kind of quality healthcare that most of us take for granted.”

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