SourceThe Star
A Mombasa women's representative candidate has promised to prioritise maternal health reforms if elected. Speaking at a rally in Tononoka grounds, Naima Badhawi said it is a pity that Kenyan women still die while giving birth.

She called on Mombasa residents to elect leaders whose agenda involves bringing about change adding that she is better placed to serve the interests of the women in the county.

"Change is here. Top on my agenda is to address the issue of maternal deaths. It's sad that women in labour are still carried on wheelbarrows at this age and time," said the KNC candidate.

The former banker promised to preach peace and unite all communities in the cosmopolitan county as March 4 elections draw close. Badhawi urged the residents to vote for KNC presidential candidate Peter Kenneth as he is the real face of change.

She is vying against Republican Congress's Sureya Hersi, a Maendeleo ya Wanawake former chair at the Coast, ODM's Mishi Mboko and Margret Olang.

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