Source: ANGOP
The percentage of positive tests in pregnant women countrywide fell from 9.8 in 2007 to 4.8 per cent in 2011, due to the effort made by the Angolan government, through the Ministry of Health, in the fighting against pandemic disease.

This was said so on Monday in Luanda by the technician of the clinical medical support department of the National Institute to Fighting against Aids, Ana Maria Pascoal, during the seminar on HIV, held by the Female Journalist Forum.

In addition, Ana Maria Pascoal said that the intervention of the government has been remarkable in the last years because the prevention services in 2004 was opened in a first phase in only three health units, namely the maternity hospitals of Maternidade Lucrécia Paim and Augusto Ngangula and Cajueiros hospital.

She said that the hospitals provide services of monitoring, counseling and assistance to pregnant women until the delivery of the baby, as well as the follow-up until the 18 months of age of the child, and thus contributing to the death rate reduction. 

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