Source: the Star
Nairobi has been selected as the headquarters of the Global Plan for Elimination of HIV among Children and Keeping their Mother Alive.

President Kibaki yesterday said Kenya welcomed the appointment of Nicholas Muraguri as the executive director of the secretariat. "The appointment of a Kenyan to this position will give Africa a voice and further create the momentum that is required to accelerate the ambitious targets of reduction of new HIV infections among children by 90 percent and the reduction of Aids-related maternal deaths by 50 percent by 2015," President Kibaki said.

The President said the global community had recognised Kenya's efforts and achievements in scaling up comprehensive HIV prevention, care and treatments particularly among women. "Today, Kenya is one of the leading countries in scaling up HIV testing, male circumcision, and access to life saving anti-retroviral drugs for prevention and treatment of HIV," he said.

He added that Muraguri, who is the former director of the national aids programme, has extensive operational experience in a variety of complex situations and contexts that affect the HIV response and the practical ways of enhancing the strategic role of governments in providing greater political leadership and accountability in the implementation of the Global plan. In Kenya, close to 87,000 HIV positive pregnant women every year require HIV services for stopping mother to child transmission of HIV.

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