Source: Leadership
The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) is to embark on a sensitisation programme against gender inequality in politics so as and attract more women into mainstream politics

Prof. Lai Olurode, a National Commissioner of the Commission said an increase in women participation in politics was necessary to enable Nigerian women to take their rightful positions in the scheme of things as obtained in other countries.

He told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Tuesday in Abuja that it was unfortunate that women, with their numerical strength were being maginalised in the political system.

Olurode said INEC's decision to embark on the sensitisation programme was because of women's pathetic position vis-à-vis their male counterpart in the political sphere.

He urged political parties to create a level playing ground for all members and make positions open for all to contest.

Olurode, who is also the Chairman, Board of the Electoral Institute, said it was so unfortunate that political parties did not adequately project women's interest, adding that politics in Nigeria was still largely a men's affairs.

Olurode said there was a need for women to go for elective positions in various political parties to put an end to their partial representation in the various elective offices.

He said some of the political parties' manifestos made reference to women issues but the parties were acting at variance to their manifestos.

"Some political parties are not bothered about their agenda for women while some promised to put in place policies that will enhance women inclusion in national affairs.

"Positions like women leader, vice-chairperson, assistant financial secretary, assistant national secretary and assistant women leader are being conceded to women,"Olurode said.

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