Source: Marketwire
Almas Jiwani, President of UN Women National Committee Canada, is the first Canadian and first UN Women representative awarded with the prestigious International Women Development Champion Award in Paris, France Saturday evening.

For her excellence and dedication to philanthropy, Jiwani was selected as this year's recipient of the International Women Development Champion Award. Jiwani has brought a new face to humanitarianism, most notably for her initiatives in bridging the gap between the corporate and humanitarian world. Her efforts to create change, despite the obstacles in place have been recognized across the globe and continue to gain international attention.

"I am truly honored to receive the International Women Development Champion Award 2013, and join the ranks of women that have sought to make a difference in Africa, which remains to be one of the world's most challenging regions for achieving development," said Jiwani. "This award recognizes the global effort to encourage equality. We must continue investing in African women and increase their involvement in the political structures in place and in everyday life."

"We are elated to bestow upon Almas the 2013 International Champion of African Women Development Award. She is our true hero and a champion of African Women Development. She has displayed exemplary consistence in her work of making a profound contribution to the alleviation of global poverty and all forms of vices militating the development of African women," said Furo Giami, Executive Director of the Centre for Economic and Leadership Development.

The International Women Development Champion Award is established to honour outstanding women that have demonstrated enduring commitment and consistent exemplary efforts in the economic development of African women. Past recipients include the President Joyce Banda of Malawi, Vice President Joice Mujuru of Zimbabwe, Business Leader Wendy Luhabe of South Africa, Her Excellency Ida Odinga, Wife of The Prime Minister of Kenya, and Rt. Hon. Anne Makinda, Speaker of Parliament of Tanzania, amongst other notable female leaders.

More about UN Women National Committee Canada

UN Women National Committee Canada raises UN Women's profile and promotes its work in Canada; raises funds for UN Women projects; creates awareness within the Canadian governments for increased funding for UN Women projects; and encourages non-governmental organizations to promote and support UN Women initiatives.

For an interview with Ms. Almas Jiwani, president of UN Women National Committee Canada or for more information about UN Women National Committee Canada please contact:

Andrea Smith
Research and Communications
UN Women National Committee Canada
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More about the International Conference on African Women Development 2013

The International Conference on African Women Development is an annual high-level meeting of leaders from all regions and across the globe aimed at advancing and accelerating efforts towards the development of the African Woman. For more information about the 2013 International Conference on African Women Development, please visit,


Almas Jiwani receives International Women Development Champion Award.


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