Source: WLP
In April 2012, Women's Learning Partnership for Rights, Development, and Peace (WLP) published Strategizing for Democracy: Challenges and Opportunities for Women in the MENA Region.

This white paper compiles many of the insights presented during a WLP-convened March 2, 2012 strategy meeting of activists and experts from across the world who discussed the causes, consequences, threats and opportunities presented by the revolutions sweeping the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) over the past year and a half.

The recommendations from these activists and experts are based on their extensive experience advocating for human rights and working towards political change in their own societies to transition from authoritarianism to gender-inclusive democracies that embrace pluralism, civility, and compromise. This strategic conversation builds on WLP's previous meetings and events on achieving rights and resisting backlash during times of democratic transitions that will continue through 2012, and that will ultimately create the foundation for a forthcoming toolkit for women’s rights in transitional societies.


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