Source: Angola Press
The secretary general of the ruling MPLA party's women wing (OMA), Luzia Inglês "Inga", said Friday in Luanda that discrimination against women participation in decision-making organs has been overcome,
thanks to actions undertaken by the Executive.
Luzia Inglês was speaking to Angop, at the workshop on "Women participation in decision-making organs: how to preserve attained goals" taking place in Luanda.
Among the actions undertaken by the Executive, the official mentioned the process of democratisation of the country which, she said, has contributed to equilibrium in the society, including gender equality.
She stated that the Angolan Executive has been making an effort to promote equality in the gender relations, including the removal of difficulties that affect the citizens, particularly women, as a fundamental condition for a sustained development focused on the human being.
On the other hand, Luzia Inglês said that the Constitution of the Republic of Angola defends the enforcement of social justice as a guarantee of men and women fundamental freedoms, without discrimination based on gender.
The meeting is being attended by women holding relevant posts in the Executive, church officials, representatives of the diplomatic corps accredited to Angola and members of the civil society and is part of the celebrations of the July 31, African Women Day.