Our resources section is where we make available useful resources such as studies, reports from the United Nations, Civil Society, NGOs, Governments, Academic Institutions and other sources related to women and specially women in Africa and other important documents such as copies of the Maputo Protocol and UNSCR 1325.
We have been able to gather together important and useful information while at the same time fostering information sharing among other organizations working for women’s rights.
It ranges from Women, Peace and Security; Political Participation; Economic Empowerment, Violence Against Women to HIV/AIDS & Reproductive and so on.
Source: European Parliamentarians with Africa While it is a recognised universal fact that eliminating gender inequality and achieving women’s empowerment are paramount to achieving the Millennium Development Goals, progress with implementation of the MDGs is the slowest in those areas that depend most heavily on improving the status of women and girls.
Source:World Health Organisation This report has been developed by Countdown to 2015 in support of the GlobalStrategy for Women's and Children'sHealth and the follow-up to the report of the Commission on Information and Accountability for Women's and Children's Health, Keeping Promises. Measuring Results.
Source: UNFPA Expanding access to a choice of affordable and appropriate contraceptive commodities is critical to achieving the goal of reproductive health for all. This report, prepared for the United Nations Commission on Commodities for Women and Children’s Health, provides a review of three contraceptive commodities that are considered to be overlooked or underutilized: the female condom, hormonal implants and emergency contraception
Source:Bank Information Center The 2012 WDR reflects a conceptual shift in how the World Bank views women's rights, but will the Bank put its conclusions into practice?
Source:ReliefWeb The United Nations today unveiled new guidelines to help mediators address the problem of sexual violence in conflict by placing the issue high on the agenda when brokering peace agreements and ceasefires.
Source: Human Rights Watch Respect for women’s rights has progressed significantly, but as we celebrate International Women’s Day, we recognize we have further to go.
Source:UNESCO To mark International Women’s Day, UNESCO and the UIS have jointly released the World Atlas of Gender Equality in Education, which includes over 120 maps, charts and tables featuring a wide range of sex-disaggregated indicators.
Source:Filibuster cartoons The following is a list of female presidents and prime ministers who are presently in power as of FEBRUARY 2, 2012. For the last several years, we have been living in an era where a record-number of female leaders are holding power simultaneously.
Sourrce: Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) is an international human rights treaty which aims to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women and to promote equal rights between men and women worldwide.
Source: Awid From conflict and natural disasters to progressive laws and the ascension of women into key political posts, 2011 brought progress and setbacks to women's rights. AWID presents a visual overview of the year through a women's rights lens.